In Turkey, 27 people were sentenced to life in prison for overthrowing the government in 2016

In Turkey, 27 people were sentenced to life in prison for overthrowing the government in 2016

 ANKARA: Twenty-seven people have been sentenced to life in prison in Turkey for a short but bloody coup attempt against the government in 2016. The former pilot and several high-ranking officials have been sentenced in a major case of its kind.

In 2016, an army-backed attempt was made to oust incumbent Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan from the government, said to be backed by religious scholar Fethullah Gulen, a former supporter of Erdogan but now Turkey has been calling his party a terrorist group, while Fethullah has denied it.

The Turkish people resisted the government, but 251 people were killed and more than 2,000 were injured. A Turkish court has sentenced air force fighter pilots to life in prison more than once for bombing Ankara and plotting a coup from a military base.

The offenses that have been convicted include violations of the constitution, genocide and assassination of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Chief Justice Ofoq Yaqeen delivered his verdict on the occasion as he was referring to the families affected by the uprising. There are also representatives.

Chief of Staff Holosi Akar and other senior officials were first taken hostage by military officials at a military base in a plot to overthrow the government, and the incident took place on July 16, followed by an F-16 flight to parliament. Was attacked and bombed near the presidential palace.

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