A teenager involved in online sex crimes in South Korea has been sentenced to 40 years in prison

A teenager involved in online sex crimes in South Korea has been sentenced to 40 years in prison

 A South Korean court has sentenced a sex group leader to 40 years in prison and the rest to seven to 15 years in prison.

According to a foreign news agency, the 25-year-old South Korean suspect, Cho Jo Bin, runs an online group that blackmailed girls and demanded that they make obscene pictures and videos. Surprisingly, the group was too young. He also blackmailed girls and made videos.

According to reports, the group involved in sexual crimes has blackmailed 74 women from May 2019 to February 2020 and made obscene videos of them, including 16 underage girls, all obscene pictures and videos posted online on a messaging app. From where the group made money through views.

A South Korean court has sentenced the group's leader to 40 years in prison, saying the youths have caused irreparable damage to society and will have to be separated from society for a long time. The other five members of the group were sentenced to 7 to 15 years in prison.

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