Untouched plan of "Military Telepathy" to read the minds of soldiers

Untouched plan of "Military Telepathy" to read the minds of soldiers

Virginia: The U.S. Army Research Office (ARO) is currently working on an untouched project that, once completed, will allow soldiers' brains to be read and only "brainstorming." Only through them can an order be given directly.

A recent article by C4ISRNET, an authoritative US website on the use of information technology on the battlefield, states that the US military will spend 62 6.25 million on the project over the next year. Will spend

Dr. Hamid Karim, an American neurologist involved in the project, said that so far they have been able to differentiate the different signals generated in the brain.
One type of signal is that which deals only with the exchange of information, while the other type of signal is that through which the "command of action" is also given. Although it cannot be called mind reading, it is definitely an important step in that direction.

The main goal of this research is to understand the different types of nerve signals generated in the brain, as well as the individual meaning of each signal so that later on the same signals can be used to give soldiers "brain and nerve commands" instead of verbal commands. And the signals that arise from the brain in response to it (and the meaning of those signals) can also be fully understood.

In a way, we can call it a "military telepathy" project that feels closer to science fiction novels than to mysterious magic stories.

How long will this project take to complete? (And whether it will ever be completed or not) It is too early to say anything about it. But it is certain that if this project is completed successfully, then an extraordinary revolution will surely take place in the world of military communication.

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